
Contact Project 2 Hope: 1 (404) 97HOPE2

Project 2 H.O.P.E.

(Help One Person Everyday)

At Project 2 H.O.P.E., we are dedicated to providing a hand up, not a handout. Our mission is rooted in empowering individuals to achieve self-sufficiency and dignity. Through consistent, personalized support, we work to help people rise above their circumstances by offering resources, guidance, and encouragement. Our goal is to create lasting change by making a difference in the lives of individuals and the communities they belong to.

To Request a Hand UP:

Need a helping hand?

Per our mission statement, we do not give handouts, but we lend a helping hand UP in HOPEs that you will pay it forward when you can.

Request a Hand Up

Ambassador of Hope

What is an Ambassador of hope?

An Ambassador of Hope is someone that can be called upon to help with a special need or a special someone in their area.

Become an Ambassador today

Angels of HOPE

What is an angel of hope?

To become an angel of HOPE, simply click the link below to support through gifts and allow Project2Hope to help one person everyday.

Join the other Angels